Thursday, October 24, 2013

Is Tremadone Safe?

Anytime you try a herbal remedy, there can be added concern.  Many times, these treatments to not have nearly the oversight that they should.

All of us remember the deaths that were caused by Phen-Phen.  Or we heard horror stories of grass being sold from China as herbal remedies eight

These are perfect examples of why you should do your research before trying a new treatment.

US Made

For me, this is one of the biggest benefits of Tremadone.  Because it is made in the U.S., at an FDA approved facility, can rest assured that there aren't added chemicals or poisons been added to the supplement.

Unfortunately many herbal remedies still are manufactured in China, which causes more risks.

Thankfully, Tremadone is not one of these.

Not Recommended for People Who Are On Benzodiazepenes

Anytime you try a new treatment, it is important to stay in communication with your Doctor, and to be aware of potential side effects.

Many of the herbs included in the Tremadone formula mimic the action of benzodiazepines.

In order to avoid an overdose, you will not want to mix Tremadone with these drugs.

Valerian Can Affect The Liver

There have been some studies pointing to liver damage from Valerian / Skullcap combinations.

People who already have liver damage from alcoholism may be more susceptible.

These instances of a hepatic damage are considered quite rare, but it is something to be aware of. 

How Does Tremadone Work?

Ready To Find Some Tremor Relief?

Remember when you first noticed the tremors?  You probably thought it was just your imagination.  Eventually they would go away. And maybe they did.  But then those dang tremors came back. Strong than before.

Everytime you find yourself in the least bit of stress or trying to exert yourself the least little bit, your arms, hands and face start their shaking again.

Even worse, when you went to see the doctor, he could only prescribe some beta-blockers that only sort've help -- and likely leave you feeling quite sluggish.

Tremadone May Be Better Than Some Prescription Medications

The nice thing is, since Tremadone is made from vitamiuns and herbs, it tends to have fewer side effects on people than most prescription meds do.

Furthermore, most of the prescriptions that you are handed for your tremors were not originally invented to help with essential tremors.  They were made to help with stuff like depression or high blood pressure.

On the other hand, Tremadone was created for the sole purpose of hopefully helping provide some relief to tremor sufferers.

Skullcap, Valerian Root, B-Vitamins... each of these components plays a vital role in optimal nerve health. However, by combining them all in a specific formula, Tremadone seeks to synergize these herbs and help each one to create a "building block" for the next herb's success.

It's a bold idea, and one that most herbalists tend to overlook.

The bottom line is that Tremadone attacks tremors right at the nerve synapses. By helping heal and support the nerve's receptors, the idea is that the nerve will start firing better all on its own and stop the jittery motion.

It's a Gratifying Work

Unfortunately, Tremadone doesn't work for everyone.  (After all, the doctor's still don't even know what causes essential tremors)

However, when you receive testimonials and thank you notes from essential tremor sufferers who have finally found relief after years of suffering, it is a good feeling.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tremadone Reviews

There are not many options of treatment for people suffering from essential tremors.  The bottom line is that there is a very poor understanding of just what causes essential tremors.  Until that can be determined, it will be difficult to come up with an effective treatment option.

Adding to the confusion is the possibility that two people with similar symptoms could actually be suffering from two different diseases, or underlying causes.

Does Tremadone Work?

Some people state that they have experienced good results with Tremadone.  However, others have had no results.

It is difficult to say whether Tremadone will be a good solution for your situation.

The good news is, that Tremadone does not have nearly the side effects of many other treatment options.

In order to help make your decision easier, I have searched the Internet and compiled many of the reviews here:

I’ve been using this product for the past three months. The results are indescribable – works just as promised and better than everything I’ve tried in the past. Two non-shaking thumbs up! - Marc Golin,
  Essential Tremors Feedback - YES the Tremadone yes it works, but like any herbal it takes time though in my case it was half a bottle. It does work with your current medications and I think once I have been on it for awhile I may be able to back off some of my other meds with my doctor's permission and agreement first. He is all for getting me off all the medication I am on. Within the first few days the biggest change was more energy. And I have not had that in over a year. The ebook that comes with it has a lot of helpful hints. Also if you order it email customer service unless you want them to automatically keep sending you a new bottle about every 3 weeks. I am going to continue with it. It is the best thing I have found thus far. May God Bless you on your quest.  - Suzi
I have taken Tremadone for 6 weeks. It's been pretty good so far. I'm keeping a handwriting journal to track my progress and I'm getting more and more excited. If you do join the program, I suggest taking advantage of the reading material they offer. It's easy and I have noticed that it definitely improves the effectiveness. Makes for some delicious meals too. - ? Yahoo Answers
my mother went on the tremadone program two months ago. we've both been blown away by the results. she took primidone for three years on her doctors suggestion. it helped a little but she got really bad sweats and headaches. definitely give it a try... its worth the money for the kind of relief you receive. - Yahoo Answers

image of spa treatment courtesy for

What Are Causes For Shaky Hands?

If you are dealing with shaky hands, you may be wondering what is causing them.  More importantly, you're looking for something and make them stop shaking.

Tremors can sometimes lead to a shaky hands.  In fact they're most noticeable in the hands, but may also affect the face, head, arms and even your voice and eyes.

In some cases, tremors are a sign of major neurological disorders.

However, even perfectly healthy individuals can experience shaking hands.  Sometimes it can be something as simple as being overly tired, or having too much caffeine.

The difference between "shaky hands" and "tremors" is simply word choice.

If you find that you're dealing with shaky hands on a regular basis, you should really seek a medical opinion.  It could be that you're dealing with symptoms from a major disorder, and it is important to diagnose that early.

What If My Kid Is Having Shaky Hands?

Unless your kid deals with shaky hands on a daily basis, it is probably not something to worry about.  Some kids simply shows signs of being shaky whenever they get overly excited, or are stressed.  Sometimes kids get shaky when they're hungry.  Other kids are shaky when a they've had too much sugar.

What Are Other Causes Of Shakiness In The Hands?

Essential Tremors - benign as sensual tremors affect 20 times more people than those who are affected by Parkinson's.  Surprisingly more people don't know about this disease.  The best they can tell this disease is probably hereditary.

Parkinson's - most people think of this disease I think of shaky hands.  This is these is caused when cells in the mid brain begin to die.  It begins with tremors, and progresses to dementia.

Multiple Sclerosis - this is these may or may not have tremors.  Tremors are often an early symptoms of MS and are likely to come and go over a period of several months.

Stress - some of us tend to shake when nervous.  This can also be demonstrated and other areas of stress.  Sometimes supplmenting your diet with a good vitamin can help eliminate shakiness.

Hunger - related hungry, which often become sheky.  This happens when our body has to start using fat reserves instead of sugar to meet our energy needs.  People who deal with shakiness when hungry on a regular basis, should be checked for hypoglycemia.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tremadone Complaints - Is Tremadone a Scam? See Real Complaints From Users

I understand that by this point in your search it is becoming difficult to believe that there might be some relief for your tremors.

It seems like on every corner there is some company with a new snake oil to offer you.

Even modern medicine does not offer much in the way of treatment options.  They do have some surgeries for if it becomes severe enough, but most of the medications have severe side effects, with little promise of relief.

Tremadone does not promise to fix tremors.  There is no scientific study on its effectiveness.  It is not designed to treat, diagnose or cure any disease.

So, is Tremadone a good idea?

It is good to look on the Internet and see what other people are saying about our product.  The good news is that if someone is unhappy with a product one of the first areas that they will turn in order to have their voice heard is the Internet.

The good news is there are not many complaints about Tremadone.  Even if you dig around in forms, which are often overlooked by the average user, you don't find complaints.

However, we were successful in finding two negative reviews on

"I saw no relief or benefits from use. For the price, I'd at least hoped for at least a little for my money!"


"Did no good.
Took all product for 30 days product showed no improvement in treating tremors ads are over exergerated with false claims"

The challenge in treating essential tremors, is that no one knows exactly how these tremors occur.

And so it is difficult to form a definitive solution.

Tremadone strives to use a long history of natural healing and herbal support to help people find a relief from their tremors.

However, it won't work for everyone.

If you want to see if Tremadone can help you, click the button below.

picture of lady is courtesy of

What Ingredients Are In Tremadone?

It is incredibly important to research any supplement before you add it to your routine.  If you have a solid understanding of what each ingredient does, they can help you make sure this compound does not interfere with the other treatments you may be doing.

What is nice about tremadone, is that it uses simple ingredients and easy to understand processes in its formula, making it easy for any of us to understand how it works.

Tremadone endeavors to improve your essential tremor symptoms by using a two pronged plan of attack.  The first step of this plan is to support the nervous system with a healthy dose of vitamins.  By doing so, it endeavors to ensure the nerves are in top health, and are getting the nutrition they need.

The second part of this plan is a carefully selected complement of herbs designed to boost dopamine and GABA levels to help improve synapse response between nerve cells and correct a uncontrolled signaling that occurs with essential tremors.

Here is an overview of the ingredients included in Tremadone.

Vitamin B2 - this vitamin is often called riboflavin.  It is an essential by them and that is not found in many foods.  B2 plays a critical role in.  helping our bodies breakdown carbohydrates into usable sugar.  Because it is not typically found in large doses in our diets, and because it is difficult for our bodies to extract it, many people are deficient in this vitamin.  Some of the symptoms include fatigue, anemia, night blindness and migraines.  Tremadone uses B2 help the body better metabolize the other ingredients and the formula, as well as to protect the body from an underlying B2 disorder that might be influencing the tremors.

Vitamin B12 - this is one of the most important vitamins -- it is actually used by every cell during the metabolic process.  Most of the common symptoms for a vitamin B12 efficiency include depression, tremors and even hallucinations.  Thankfully vitamin B12 is difficult to overdose on, so you can take as much as you need. 

Folic Acid - a typical western diet, most of our food is fortified with extra folate already, making it difficult for us to be deficient in this nutrient.  However, a folic acid deficiency directly affects the nervous system, and can lead to tremors.  If you're striving for optimal nerve health, it makes sense to supplement this vital nutrient.

Skullcap - whenever treating nervous disorders, skullcap is one of the first herbs to consider.  It works by helping to restore natural function to the synapses, stopping the uncontrolled firing in improving communication.  It also helps to release smooth muscle spasms.  Together, these two features serve to mitigate tremors.

Valerian Root - this herb is actually so effective that it has been studied alongside benzodiazepine drugs.  It helps to improve the reception of the GABA receptors in the nerve cells.  Actually, it does not have near the side effects of benzodiazepine drugs.  In addition, studies point to a synergistic effect between Valerian Root and skullcap.  Together they are more effective than when taken separately.

Passion Flower - and this herb is most often recommended for those suffering from anxiety.  By helping to relax the body, and lessen its stress, it serves indirectly to help lessen tremors.

GABA - this is an essential neurotransmitter, it is sometimes thought to be the most important ingredient when fighting essential tremors.GABA serves to regulate the neurons firing patterns, and smooth jerky movements.  This, in conjunction with Valerian Root can greatly improve the brain's functioning

image of bottle and garlic above courtesy of

My Child Is Dealing With Essential Tremors. What Can I Do?

For most people essential tremors do not affect them until they are much older.  However for some children the tremors begin at a young age.

This can be exceptionally difficult especially for that child who is trying to learn how to tie their shoes, right with a pencil, or button their shirt -- all tasks that their peers can easily accomplish.

To make matters worse these tremors can make it difficult for a child to fit in.  Even if the child is surrounded by helpful friends, they may voluntarily withdraw out of embarrassment for their condition.

One of the most frustrating aspects about childhood tremors is that there is little chance of an improving with age.  The child must learn to accept their tremors, and believe that they can have a fulfilled life even with the condition.  This positive outlook must being reinforced by their parents, teachers and peers.

For a parent or childhood educator, it falls on them to make things as easy as possible and to be as understanding as they can be.

One of the first lessons these children must learn, is the importance of slowing down.  Encouraging them to take as much time as necessary to accomplish intricate tasks gives them permission to work with their condition.

Here are a few more tips:

Give your child leverage: Large, easy to grasp, weighted pens.  Velcro shoes.  Pull-over shirts without buttons.  Get creative, but find tools that help your child get through the day more easily.  Now, you don't want to make too big a deal out of the child's special needs.But, by having those resources available, you can let the child some as they feel the need.

Create a support team:
it starts by getting a diagnoses from a pediatrician.  You can use this information to help empower the child's teacher information about their condition.  Certain accommodations may need to be provided to help your child succeed.  It is best to learn of these early.  It also allows you to network with other parents use child may have a similar condition.

Use a B vitamin supplement: there has been some discussion that these tremors may be influenced by a B vitamin deficiency.  And children are especially bad about not eating their vegetables.  Take both facts together, and it makes sense to offer your child some gummy multivitamins that have a healthy dose of of the B vitamins.  Even adults find that the vitamins help them stay focused, and be less stressed.  So it is worth a try for the kiddo's too.